This Week in Tech

wakr thisWeekInTech cartridgeWorldTune in as Jeanne Destro discusses a new tech topic each week!


Friday, 13 March 2020 07:53

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-3-13-20 Featured

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This week, how governments around the world—and here in Ohio—are using facial recognition technology, and all the complicated issues that arise from that, including privacy, civil liberties, and the possibility of being falsely accused and prosecuted for crimes you never committed.
Friday, 06 March 2020 09:15

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-3-6-20 Featured

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The State of Ohio is using Artificial Intelligence to help eliminate some regulations. But is it a good idea? We’ll find out, with Ohio Lt. Governor, Jon Husted, CBS Technology Consultant, Larry Magid, and Artificial Intelligence expert, Professor Vanja Djuric, from the University of Akron.
Friday, 28 February 2020 08:55

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-2-28-20 Featured

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This week, we're sorting out the connection between social media and loneliness with a report from CBS News, and an interview with Akron area Psychologist and Author, Dr. Toni Cooper.
Friday, 21 February 2020 08:14

This Week in Tech With Jeanne Destro-2-21-20 Featured

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This week, we’re looking at the intersection between old and new technology, from the cars we drive, to the plants that manufacture them.
Friday, 14 February 2020 07:51

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-2-14-20 Featured

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This week, cybersecurity in the spotlight, as the US Government charges four members of the Chinese military with espionage, for hacking the giant credit reporting company, Equifax. We’ll also talk to the CEO of Trusted Sec, and Binary Defense, about their plans to expand in the Akron area.
Friday, 07 February 2020 08:24

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-2-7-2020 Featured

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This week, how a faulty mobile app put a major crimp in the the Iowa Caucuses. Also: New Facebook parental controls, and how augmented reality is teaching a new generation about the campus demonstration that shocked the nation and helped end the Vietnam war 50 years ago this spring.
Friday, 31 January 2020 06:49

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-1-31-20 Featured

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This week, how artificial intelligence is helping diagnose cancer, and how to breathe new life into your old, out of date computer, instead of just throwing it away or recycling it.
Friday, 24 January 2020 09:27

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-1-24-20 Featured

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This week, new trends in automotive technology, kids learning to code before they even start school, how ultra-high speed municipal broadband is helping to spur economic development in one local community, and high tech diapers that send a signal to something other than your nose, when they’re full!
Friday, 17 January 2020 08:48

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-1-17-20 Featured

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This week, we’re focusing on advances in medical technology, from personal tech that can detect changes in your heart rhythm, to a 3-D printed device being used at one of the nation’s premier hospitals to help keep people with severely damaged lungs alive.We’ll also hear about advances in heart surgery,…
Friday, 10 January 2020 08:51

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-1-10-20 Featured

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This week: Iranian cyberthreats, new car trends, using coffee waste to make headlights, and how bees can help us make better robots.
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