Tuesday, 17 March 2020 13:45

67 Cases of COVID-19 in Ohio

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The Ohio Department of Health has confirmed 67 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus in the state so far, with 17 of those patients now in the hospital. Five people have been confirmed to have it in Summit County; four women, and one man.

Governor Mike DeWine this week ordered the closure of public places like bars, restaurants, gyms, fitness centers, recreation centers, bowling alleys, movie theaters, indoor water parks, and trampoline parks. Gatherings of more than 50 were people have been banned, then scaled down to 10 people, per federal guidelines.

In addition; this week's primary election was postponed until (likely) June 2, and Governor DeWine says voters will have plenty of time and opportunity to cast their ballots.

Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, and gas stations will stay open.

Click here to see and hear Governor DeWine's March 17 press conference, also featuring new information from Ohio Health Department Director Amy Acton, and the head of the Ohio Hospital Association.

Read 3927 times Last modified on Wednesday, 18 March 2020 05:13