Wednesday, 26 April 2023 09:40

KSU Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Winter Program In National Issues This Week in DC Featured

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Kent State University is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its Washington Program in National Issues which was launched in 1973, with a reception for current program participants and alumni at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Thursday, April 27.

As one of those students who had a life changing, and really positive experience with the program back when I was studying Journalism at Kent State; I was happy recently to talk about it recently with Political Science Professor, Dr. Mark Cassell, who is the Director of that program now.

Scroll down to see some of the pictures I took back when I was a student at Kent. 

It was the winter of 1977. Jimmy Carter was President, Ted Kennedy was in the Senate, US Representative, “Battling Bella" Abzug was making waves with her big hats and campaign slogan ", "This woman's place is in the House—the House of Representatives," and White House Correspondent, Sam Donaldson, known for his Vietnam and Watergate coverage, ruled the TV airwaves on ABC News.


Cassell Headshot 1 0

Dr. Mark Cassell: Director, KSU Winter Program in National Issues

Jeanne Destro WH Red Room 1977 smaller

Jeanne Destro, in White House Red Room, KSU WPNI, 1977

President Jimmy Carter smaller

President Jimmy Carter at the White House

Bella Azug smaller

US Representative, "Battling Bella" Abzug (D-NY)


US Senator, Ted Kennedy (D-MA)

Sam Donaldson ABC smaller

ABC News White House Correspondent, Sam Donaldson and other members of the Washington Press Corps, outside White House



Read 2447 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 April 2023 04:50