Tuesday, 11 July 2023 09:25

"Zombie Drug" Hits Akron: Health Department Gearing Up To Help Featured

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Summit County Health Commissioner, Donna Skoda, has confirmed that the deadly Fentanyl-Xylazine combo drug known on the street by various names including "Tranq" and "Zombie Drug" has made its way into the Akron area, and that they have seen some people who have been using it.

Skoda talked with us today, about local efforts to deal with what the White House yesterday officially named an "Emerging Threat" to the United States, requiring a "whole of government response", including stepped up testing, prevention, and treatment. 

Listen now for more details about the unique and extremely dangerous qualities of the drug, and what Summit County Public Health is planning to do to respond to the threat:


Donna Skoda SCPH

Donna Skoda, Summit County Public Health Commissioner

Read 2032 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 09:55