Thursday, 01 June 2023 16:36

This Week in Tech With Jeanne Destro-6-2-23: Advanced New Cyber Threats: Who Can Protect Us?

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This week, we're talking about newly discovered, extremely sophisticated, cyber threats that pose real dangers to consumers, and to our national security.

Although we've tackled some of these issues before; it seemed like it was worth a closer look at some new threats that came to light just this week.

They include a pre-installed Android phone and TV exploit that consumers can't detect, and is nearly impossible to delete, Russian-linked malware that can attack and do physical harm to power grids, and completely fictitious legal precedents, that were generated by artificial intelligence.

To help us make sense of it all; I talked to Dr. John Nicholas, who has been teaching cybersecurity at the University of Akron for many years, and who is now the Director of the Center for information and Communication Sciences at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.



Dr, John Nicholas, Ball State University

Read 3215 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 June 2023 17:40

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