Friday, 30 October 2020 11:10

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-10-30-20

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This week, privacy and government surveillance, through the lens of home security cameras mounted on your own front door.
Although we're focused on a proposal now in front of Akron City Council; it is a scenario that's being played out in communities all over the country.
At issue is whether or not the City should buy doorbell cameras like the Amazon RING, for citizens in high crime neighborhoods so they can easily share their videos with police.
But, while it may be easy; is it really a good idea, considering issues like privacy, and unregulated data collection by tech companies?
Our featured guests are Akron City Council President, Margo Sommerville, Akron Ward 5 City Councilwoman, Tara Samples, and Dr. Matthew Guariglia, Policy Analyst for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.


Read 3189 times Last modified on Saturday, 31 October 2020 06:57