Thursday, 22 April 2021 11:51

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-4-23-21: Adapting To Climate Change

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From wildfires, to coastal flooding and mass migration; we're facing big ecological challenges that no one person, nation, or group of scientists can tackle alone. 

On the plus side, lots of very smart and creative people all over the world are trying to do just that, including President Biden, who convened a virtual Climate Change Summit with world leaders this week, on Earth Day.

Our featured guest is Kent State University Applied Climatology Professor, Dr. Cameron Lee, explaining why the concept of climate change is so confusing, and what we need to do to both mitigate and adapt to its inevitably disruptive and damaging effects.

We'll also hear about tech "fixes" that can improve both air and water quality, and a new kind of paint that acts like sunscreen for your roof.


**Please note, this program is also available as a podcast on Apple, Android, Spotify, and Stitcher.


Kent State University Applied Climatology Professor, Dr. Cameron Lee

Read 3588 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 June 2021 05:49