Friday, 23 July 2021 07:16

This Week In Tech with Jeanne Destro-7-23-21: Voice Surveillance

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This week, how the same voice technology that powers your interactions with Siri and Alexa, also allows marketers to gather data about you like your age, weight, birth control use, and more.

Sound creepy? Well, it is, according to author, Joseph Turow, as he found out when he wrote his new book, "The Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet".

We'll also hear from Stark Area Regional Transit Authority Executive Director and CEO, Kirt Conrad, about why they're phasing out diesel, and expanding the use of Hydrogen fuel cells to power their buses. 


Joseph Turow, Author


Kirt Conrad, Executive Director, CEO: SARTA

Read 4344 times Last modified on Friday, 23 July 2021 10:05