Friday, 10 June 2022 06:45

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-6-10-22: How Will Global Climate Change Affect The Great Lakes?

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Although we're currently blessed with an abundance of water in Northeast Ohio, what will the future hold, as the planet continues to heat up and dry out?

This question took on some real urgency this week, as water rationing began in Los Angeles, and the White House came out with a new action plan to address global water security, and to build drought resilience.

We asked an Applied Climatology expert, Dr. Cameron Lee, who is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Kent State University, about whether our proximity to one of the largest sources of fresh water in the world; the Great Lakes, will keep us insulated from water shortages that are expected to affect more than half of the world's population within the next ten years.

We'll also hear from CBS News Correspondent, Steve Futterman, and Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Listen now.


Dr. Cameron Lee, Kent State University

Read 3937 times Last modified on Friday, 10 June 2022 19:03