Tuesday, 14 January 2020 10:04

Ray Horner Podcast - 1/14/2020 Featured

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:19 - The wrath of God came down on the Houston Astros, as Major League Baseball suspended their manager and GM over stealing signs with the use of technology. Ray and Tony talked about the repercussions, though they didn’t see eye-to-eye when it comes to sign stealing in general.

7:34 - The ongoing saga of Chapel Hill Mall continues, as back taxes and utilities keep piling up. So what is the future and how soon will that future become the present? Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro stopped by the studio to discuss the next step.

19:07 - Yesterday, we had Barberton superintendent Jeff Ramnytz on board to talk about some players on the basketball team sitting during the National Anthem. Today, Barberton mayor Bill Judge shared his thoughts during the backlash.

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