Wednesday, 10 February 2021 07:22

UA Biologist on Origin of COVID-19, Concerns Over Variants Featured

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University of Akron University of Akron
For the better part of a year, from the beginning of the pandemic, many have wondered the origins of COVID-19. Did it come from animals such as bats in a wet market, or was this a virus in a laboratory that escaped, whether accidentally or not?

Dr. Richard Londraville is a biologist from the University of Akron, and he took the listeners into the lab on the Ray Horner Morning Show and cleared up some questions. Dr. Londraville believes this virus was politicized at the outset, which is why a year later some still wonder if it was animal or lab-born. He also mentioned the mutations and variants, and the concerns about how they will affect an individual's immune system.

Dr. Londraville also talked about the latest news from Johnson & Johnson, which further estimates that these will be annual vaccine doses.

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