Wednesday, 26 October 2022 04:13

APD Chief Pens Letter to the Community Featured

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Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett responding to the letter that was sent and signed by 43 community and faith leaders this week, condemning his reinstatement of the eight APD officers being investigated for the shooting death of Jayland Walker. Chief Mylett initially justified his decision saying there is a severe staffing shortage that is affecting the Akron Police Department's ability to police the city properly and safely.

In response, those faith leaders wrote, "Whatever staffing crisis there may be, it cannot be more challenging than would be the erosion of any trust remaining between the community and police." Chief Mylett said he was confused and disappointed by the letter from those local leaders as it "inaccurately portrayed" the conversations he had with advisory councils prior to the decision to reinstate those officers.

The Chief noted that the majority of those who signed the letter were not in attendance for those discussions, adding that having his integrity questioned in this matter is "beyond hurtful." Chief Mylett closed his response, saying he stands by his decision to reinstate the eight officers who are still being investigated by the Ohio BCI and Attorney General's Office for the death of Jayland Walker.

See the full "letter to the community" from Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett below: 


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