This Week in Tech

wakr thisWeekInTech cartridgeWorldTune in as Jeanne Destro discusses a new tech topic each week!


From James Bond's super spy Aston Martin, to Elon Musk's tricked-out Teslas; the cars we own, drive, and aspire to impress with, have had an outsized hold on America's consciousness and mythology for over 100 years. But, the problem is; we don't just drive them; they drive us to make…
This week, how high tech concepts like 4-D imaging are combining with ancient engineering technology from bees, and leading the way toward better, stronger, and safer structures  from buildings to bridges. To find out how, listen to our conversation with Purdue University Professor of Materials Engineering, Dr. Nikhilesh Chawla, who…
A new artificial intelligence-powered chatbot called ChatGPT is taking the world of education by storm, because it can write so well; it can seem like its work was produced by a human.  In addition, the bot can write computer code, which could be harnessed by criminals or nation states bent…
You've probably heard by now that federal officials have been talking about the harmful effects of gas emissions from stoves, and the possibility of new regulations. But, what does that mean, or could it mean for you and your stove at home, and on a larger scale; what does it…
Seattle Public Schools sued a number of big tech companies this week, claiming the purposely addictive nature of their products is causing a mental health crisis that makes it both more difficult and expensive to educate their students. President Biden also came out this week calling on congress to more…
  Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown, who who chairs the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, is once again raising concerns about consumers getting ripped off after investing in cryptocurrency. He's been advocating for regulations like those that apply to traditional US currency for quite some time, even warning…
This week, an encore presentation one of the most creative and unusual tech projects going on here in Ohio this year, which we featured originally In August. Two Professors from Ohio University in Athens have come up with a way to transform water polluted with toxic acid mine drainage (AMD) into small tubes of…
Thursday, 15 December 2022 09:23

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro: 12-16-22: Coptech Featured

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Police departments nationwide are stretched thin, and increasingly using technology to help them collect, analyze, and make decisions based on data from multiple sources. Listen now to find out how the Akron Police Dpartment is using license plate reader cameras in high crime neighborhoods, doorbell cameras on private homes, a…
Wednesday, 07 December 2022 12:50

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-12-9-22: Twitphobia! Featured

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Everybody's been talking about the big Twitter meltdown, ever since the world's richest man, Elon Musk, bought it, laid off thousands of employees, and demanded those who are left, pledge "hardcore" allegiance to getting the job done, whatever it takes. For some of them; that means sleeping there overnight, which…
This week, we're spotlighting the University of Akron's award-winning esports program, which was recently ranked number two in the nation, by the international online magazine covering video game sports and news, DailyGame. So, how did that happen, and what makes them so good? I asked University of Akron E-Sports Director,…
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