This Week in Tech

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The State of Ohio is stepping up to help local government guard against, and recover from cyber attacks. The new Ohio Persistent Cyber Improvement (O-PCI) program will guide local agencies through three cybersecurity preparedness levels. Each level will consist of a five-step process for cybersecurity advancement: education, training, exercising, mentoring,…
We've got big news about big tech projects in Ohio, including two in Central Ohio; the Intel Semiconductor plant, and Amazon's $7.8 billion dollar planned data center expansion. We'll also hear about how the state is installing  new EV charging stations on highways statewide, a new high school tech internship…
Wouldn't it be great if you could endlessly recycle an enormously useful resource, do it for less money than it takes to make it brand new, keep tons of waste out of landfills, and reduce air pollution all at the same time? Well, yes. Yes it would be. That's why…
What if farmers could produce more food, generate clean energy, and make more money all at the same time? Well, it turns out that they can, through a process called "Agrivoltaics". It involves "planting" solar panels in fields, and both sheltering animals from the sun, and cultivating crops underneath them.…
Imagine some teeny-tiny little scissors. Now, imagine them snipping out "bad" genes that cause disease, and leaving only the good ones behind. Sound farfetched? Well, actually, it is not. In fact, that's exactly what they're doing at Cleveland Clinic Children's, where a Sickle Cell Disease clinical trial involving CRSPR gene editing…
  Everybody knows that insulating your home is a good way to cut down on heating and cooling costs, but what if you could turn your entire home into a giant insulated cooler? Well, it turns out you can, and some people in Europe are doing just that; building new…
A federal judge in New York is considering sanctions against an attorney who used the ChatGPT artificial intelligence tool to draft a legal brief that was presented as evidence, but contained case citations that were completely untrue; fabricated by the AI. In a court hearing yesterday, the New York Times…
This week, we're talking about newly discovered, extremely sophisticated, cyber threats that pose real dangers to consumers, and to our national security. Although we've tackled some of these issues before; it seemed like it was worth a closer look at some new threats that came to light just this week.…
You see them on TV all the time; images of dramatic car crashes, fires, and disasters, beamed down to viewers from helicopters.  So, one would just kind of naturally kind of assume police have all that same kind of technology at their fingertips all the time, and that they can…
Friday, 19 May 2023 06:12

Boom! The Return Of Supersonic Commercial Flight Featured

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Imagine being able to fly to LA for lunch, have a business meeting, and then be back home in time for dinner. It could happen, if a research project currently underway at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is successful in demonstrating that a new, high tech airplane can break…
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