Friday, 28 July 2023 08:50

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-7-28-23: State Helps Cities Fight Cybercrime

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The State of Ohio is stepping up to help local government guard against, and recover from cyber attacks.

The new Ohio Persistent Cyber Improvement (O-PCI) program will guide local agencies through three cybersecurity preparedness levels. Each level will consist of a five-step process for cybersecurity advancement: education, training, exercising, mentoring, and improvement.

We talked about how that will work, and why it is so so important, with the Ohio National Guard's Cyber Security Outreach Coordinator, Mark Bell, and the City of Akron's Chief Technology Manager, Darren Rozenek.




Darren Rozenek, Chief Technology Manager Information Technology, City of Akron

Mark Bell ONG

Mark Bell, Cyber Security Outreach Coordinator, State of Ohio Adjutant General's Department


Read 4031 times Last modified on Saturday, 29 July 2023 15:38