Friday, 21 July 2023 05:54

This Week In Tech with Jeanne Destro-7-21-23: Ohio's Tech Boom Heats Up

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We've got big news about big tech projects in Ohio, including two in Central Ohio; the Intel Semiconductor plant, and Amazon's $7.8 billion dollar planned data center expansion. We'll also hear about how the state is installing  new EV charging stations on highways statewide, a new high school tech internship program, and Kent State University's new center for Advanced Air Mobility.

Featured guests  include US Senator Sherrod Brown, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor, Jon Husted, Ohio Department of Transportation Director, Jack Marchbanks, and Kent State University Advanced Air Mobility Center Director, Dr. Marla E. Perez-Davis.

Listen now for more on how tech is booming in Ohio, and find out why it is a great time to find all kinds of jobs, from construction, to advanced aviation.


SHERROD BROWN 2023 headshot

US Senator, Sherrod Brown

Gov Mike DeWine 2023

Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine

LtGov Jon Husted high res

Lt. Governor, Jon Husted

DirectorJackMarchbanks 500

Jack Marchbanks, Director, ODOT

perez davis marla flag 2022 02 1

Dr. Marla E. Perez-Davis, Kent State University

Read 3222 times Last modified on Saturday, 22 July 2023 15:32