This Week in Tech

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When Tech Entrepreneur and billionaire, Elon Musk, unveiled his new humanoid-looking "Optimus" robot recently; it caused a big splash. It also caused visions of "Skynet" to dance in my head, as I imagined Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Terminator" movie character ominously promising; "I'll be back!" But, maybe I'm just a Scaredy Cat.…
Friday, 30 September 2022 06:17

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-9-30-22: Quantum Clinic Featured

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The Cleveland Clinic is taking medicine to the next level, as they collaborate with IBM on a 10 year "Discovery Accelerator" research project that will include using a Quantum computer. Listen now, as Jeanne Destro finds out why with Cleveland Clinic Chief Research Information Officer, Dr. Lara Jehi.
Privacy, security, and disinformation on social media in the spotlight this week. In the past ten days, the former head of security from Twitter testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington, a former policy director at Twitter revealed that she testified about threats posed by former President Donald Trump…
Great news for people in the Akron area who are having trouble getting online at home, because they either don't have a computer, or an internet connection. Now, they can get both, for free, from the Akron Summit County Public Library. Listen now, for details from library Technology Director, Ryan…
Even if you’re deep inside a forest, high atop a mountain, or walking on the moon; there is always some form of plastic nearby. From the buttons on your shirt, to the laces on your shoes; you are literally wearing it wherever you go. You talk into it through your…
One day in the not too distant future, all our computer systems will be obsolete, our current cybersecurity methods worthless, and even our most powerful supercomputers powerless in the face of even faster, and much more powerful quantum computers, that can crack passwords like a hot knife through butter. That…
This week, advanced new autonomous and remote controlled aircraft, and what the state of Ohio is doing to make sure it doesn't crash into what's already flying overhead. Our special guest is Dr. Christina Bloebaum, Dean of Kent State University's College of Aeronautics and Engineering.
Dr. Christina Bloebaum,…
The first freshwater, offshore wind farm in North America, is one step closer to being built on Lake Erie, now that the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled the permit allowing it to be situated there, was legally issued. Exactly when construction will begin though, is still up in the air.…
Two Professors from Ohio University in Athens have come up with a way to transform water polluted with toxic acid mine drainage (AMD) into small tubes of beautiful artist paints. Now, Environmental Engineering Professor, Dr. Guy Riefler, and Art Professor, John Sabraw, have their sights set on an even more…
Electric vehicles are poised to replace gas guzzling fossil fuel powered cars and trucks in the not too distant future, but there are a lot of bugs still to be worked out between now and then. For example, there is a new report out that highlights safety issues with three…
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