Thursday, 25 August 2022 09:02

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-8-26-22: Update: Wind Power On Lake Erie

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The first freshwater, offshore wind farm in North America, is one step closer to being built on Lake Erie, now that the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled the permit allowing it to be situated there, was legally issued.

Exactly when construction will begin though, is still up in the air. Despite repeated attempts over the past few weeks,we have been unable to reach the President of the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCO), for an update. We are, though, including a couple of clips from an interview we did with Dave Karpinski a few years ago, when we first started talking about the project. As soon as we can get an interview with him on recent developments; we'll be sure to pass it along.

Our special guest today, is Green Energy Ohio Executive Director, Jane Harf, who tells us why she believes the Ice Breaker Wind Project is an important step toward mitigating the damaging effects of climate change, and improving public health.


Jane Harf, Executive Director, Green Energy Ohio

Read 4234 times Last modified on Friday, 26 August 2022 06:59