Friday, 19 August 2022 06:34

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-8-19-22: Toxic Transformation

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Dr. John Sabraw collects polluted water for paint project Dr. John Sabraw collects polluted water for paint project

Two Professors from Ohio University in Athens have come up with a way to transform water polluted with toxic acid mine drainage (AMD) into small tubes of beautiful artist paints.

Now, Environmental Engineering Professor, Dr. Guy Riefler, and Art Professor, John Sabraw, have their sights set on an even more ambitious goal; major water reclamation projects funded through large-scale adoption of their innovative tech breakthrough.

Listen now as we talk about the "Pollution to Pigment" project, with John Sabraw, Professor of Art, and Chair of Painting & Drawing, and Digital Art & Technology at Ohio University.


 Toxic sludge becomes artist paint


Read 4368 times Last modified on Monday, 22 August 2022 10:00