Friday, 15 December 2023 07:37

Art, Music & AI: Human Vs. Machine

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Although people can't necessarily explain why, and often can't tell the difference; they still prefer art made by humans, over art generated by Artificial Intelligence. 
That's the word from a new study done recently by researchers at Bowling Green State University, and on today's edition of This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro, we're going to find out why, with BGSU Organizational Psychology PhD candidate, Andrew Samo.
We also talked to Grammy-nominated guitarist, composer, producer, and engineer, Paul Speer, about discussions going on right now about how to handle music submitted for Grammy Award consideration, that has been created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence.
I wanted to explore this topic, because when you think of what it really means to be "human"; you often think of things like music, art, poetry, and other kinds of deep, personal creative expressions that convey the meaning of our lives.
But, when you have Artificial Intelligence tools that can scan, copy, and analyze all the art, music, and other information the world has to offer; and then create something new based on all that existing information; what is left for humans? 
When I interviewed  author, organizational Psychologist, and Artificial Intelligence expert, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic earlier this year about his book.  "I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique", he talked about how AI is likely to cause the loss of more than 300 million jobs now occupied by "information workers", like doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other highly skilled professionals. (To hear that interview, click here.)
But today's story is about people who rely on their emotions, and their ability to synthesize experiences through their hearts, to create art and music.
Will the day come, when even our most personal, emotional expressions will be co-opted, and eclipsed by machines? 
Find out more, listen now.

Andrew Samo smaller

Andrew Samo, PhD Candidate, BGSU

pspeer 2

Paul Speer, Artist, Composer, Producer, Engineer

Read 2840 times Last modified on Saturday, 16 December 2023 06:54