Friday, 02 February 2024 11:27

Amazon RING, Police, & Civil Liberties

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Amazon's "Neighbors" app got a little less neighborly in the past week, after the company decided it would no longer allow users to share videos from their RING doorbell home security cameras directly with police.

In a bow to pressure from civil rights groups, Amazon has disabled the direct connection between police and RING users, via their Request for Assistance Tool. Now, if police want access to doorbell cam videos, they have to get it from Amazon, and other than in the most exigent circumstances; with a warrant.

This is a big issue in Akron, because starting last summer, citizens pushed for, and got free RING doorbell cameras from the City, because they wanted more police protection. Now, they'll still be able to get it; but it will take more time.

Is this a good tradeoff?

Find out, with Akron Attorney, Civil Rights expert, and University of Akron Professor of Law, Emeritus, Dean Carro.

Listen now.



Dean Carro, Professor of Law, Emeritus, University of Akron

Read 2881 times Last modified on Friday, 02 February 2024 11:47