This Week in Tech

wakr thisWeekInTech cartridgeWorldTune in as Jeanne Destro discusses a new tech topic each week!


Representatives from 60 countries came together last week to talk about the future of the internet, and to declare their commitment to freedom of speech, online safety, and opposition to authoritarian government control, propaganda, and disinformation. The roundtable discussion and signing of the "Declaration for the Future of the Internet",…
Federal and State officials are sounding the alarm about increased Russian cyber intrusions and possible attacks on critical infrastructure here in the US, as the war in Ukraine rages on. Just this week, FBI Director, Christopher Wray talked about Russian cyber threats on CBS 60 Minutes, and Business Insider ran…
Tech industry leaders, educators, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs are meeting April 23rd in Cleveland, for the Ohio Tech Summit.  Presented by John Carroll University and Ohio X, a non-profit aimed at turning Ohio into a tech hub; the event features high-profile tech industry speakers, demos, and networking opportunities.  To find…
Fueled in large part by federal funds; Summit County is considering the installation of a high speed countywide fiber optic network that would both provide high speed internet access to residents who don't have it yet, and also provide all county residents with a higher speed, lower-cost alternative to what…
Two very different Ohio startups are in the spotlight this week, both offering innovative ideas that can solve big problems, and maybe even save lives. Robotic Maintenance Vehicles is headquartered in Alvordton, OH, about 45 miles West of Toledo, and is seeking customers now for its new A-I enabled Robobotic…
The ongoing push toward electric vehicles takes on more urgency, as the War in Ukraine roils oil markets and causes gasoline prices to hit record highs nationwide. Listen now, to hear how the federal government is pushing to expand the nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations, and how Akron's…
President Biden issued an executive order to ensure responsible innovation in digital assets, including possibly creating a US Central Bank digital currency. Find out why, with featured guest, Kent State University Finance Professor & Lecturer, David Pelleg.
Great for your mobile phone, not so great for aviation. Find out what is behind continuing concerns about the rollout of 5-G technology nationwide, and what is being done to make sure you're safe to fly. Our featured guest is Dr. Tim Collins, who is a former Air Force fighter…
From hot tech jobs, to cool new cameras, this week we're featuring a wide range of stories, including how big tech is stepping up to support the people of Ukraine, now under siege by Russia.
While celebrity advertising endorsements are not yet a thing of the past; they're certainly on the wane, and changing, as a result of social media.  Find out why, with University of Akron Assistant Marketing Professor, Alexa Fox. She recently co-authored a new study that analyzed celebrity athlete Twitter posts from…
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