This Week in Tech

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What would it take to build your own electric vehicle, and how much would it cost? We asked local D-I-Y enthusiast, and former Akron Makerspace Board member, Chris Bennett. You'll also hear from CBS News Auto Industry Correspondent, Jeff Gilbert, about how United Auto Workers Union (UAW) officials are organizing…
NASA unveiled fantastic and unbelievably beautiful first images this week from the James Webb space telescope which is floating more than a million miles from Earth. Listen for a report from CBS News Correspondent, Peter King, along with comments from President Biden, who hailed NASA's amazing achievement. You'll also hear…
While it may sometimes feel like your computer has a mind of its own; despite your frustration, deep down, you know it is really just following a set of commands programmed by a human.  But maybe that's not true anymore. Google Engineer, Blake Lemoine recently revealed that he believed one…
Self driving cars that cause accidents, privacy stealing data collection, and gender-biased hiring decisions. These are all examples of Artificial Intelligence not working as intended, and causing real world financial and reputational damage the companies that used it. So how can AI be harnessed and harnessed and handled properly, and…
If Summit County Council approves later this month, the first phase of what could eventually become a nearly half a billion dollar broadband expansion project will soon get underway. As envisioned now, the project could one day both improve emergency communications and other government operations, as well as help county…
Although we're currently blessed with an abundance of water in Northeast Ohio, what will the future hold, as the planet continues to heat up and dry out? This question took on some real urgency this week, as water rationing began in Los Angeles, and the White House came out with…
 Sports fans have long been fascinated by statistics, from who has the fastest pitch, to how many times their team has made it to the playoffs.   But that fascination has morphed into big business powered by Sport Analytics, a winning strategy brought to life on the big screen in the…
Whether for its the latest app, mobile phone, or even a new car; consumers face a stacked deck when it comes to taking meaningful legal action against companies with defective products. But, there actually is a relatively simple way to fight back, legally. Find out how, with Akron area attorney,…
Don't you just hate it when technology that's supposed to make your life easier; actually makes it even more difficult? Most people do, and that's why it is welcome news that innovative new technology is available now, that enables people to not only interact, but to collaborate with computers, robots,…
Imagine an adversary so big, and fast, and strong that it can overwhelm all cyber defenses everywhere in the world; smashing through them as easily as a hot knife passes through butter. That's what federal officials are doing right now, as they execute a new plan to mitigate the risks…
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