This Week in Tech

Tune in as Jeanne Destro discusses a new tech topic each week!

Three years ago at this time, no one had ever heard of COVID-19. But since then, the world has changed, and so has education—in particular— online learning. Like everywhere else in the country, Akron Public School students were forced to stay home and do their lessons online. They had live…
If you're a classic rock fan, you may remember an old Eric Clapton tune called "It's In The Way That You Use It", which seems to be an apt description for the pros and cons of technology that relies on rapidly developing, and ever more frequently-deployed Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.…
CNN posted an intriguing story this week, about how several voting machine manufacturers are conducting "stress tests", to uncover possible flaws that might need to be fixed before the upcoming 2024 election. While that was of course, welcome news; it did make me wonder just how secure voting machines really are,…
Because lithium-ion batteries are used to power so many of the electronic devices we find indispensable these days, including computers, mobile phones, and cars, and because the materials used to make them can be both both scarce and difficult to obtain; the federal government is keen on finding safe and inexpensive…
The University of Akron NASA Robotics team made a good showing recently at a robotics competition at the University of Alabama; coming in eighth place overall, and first place, in the Project Management category. We talked to U-A Robotics team leader, Callie Lewis, about how their traditional focus on mining…
It's been a busy week for Federal law enforcement, which both brought down a huge Russian cybercrime botnet, and also indicted multiple Russian cyber criminals for spreading malware and ransomware that resulted in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars from victims worldwide. The indictments out of three different…
Most people have figured out by now, that when you watch an opinion show on Fox TV; you get a right wing, conservative point of view, and the same thing goes on the left, for MSNBC. Social media has also been overtaken by spin, and whether you’re on Facebook, X…
Imagine driving down the road on a dark night. Suddenly; your car slows and rolls to a gentle stop, just before a big deer that had been completely hidden from sight in the woods, darts out onto the road exactly where you would have been, if advanced thermal imaging sensors…
Friday, 11 August 2023 11:54

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro: 8-11-23: Dark Patterns Featured

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Most consumers know what it's like to feel cheated and manipulated, and no one does it better, or on a bigger scale, than big tech. Old scams like "bait and switch", false promises, and teeny-tiny fine print, get new life on a much broader scale when millions of people worldwide…
The State of Ohio is stepping up to help local government guard against, and recover from cyber attacks. The new Ohio Persistent Cyber Improvement (O-PCI) program will guide local agencies through three cybersecurity preparedness levels. Each level will consist of a five-step process for cybersecurity advancement: education, training, exercising, mentoring,…
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