This Week in Tech

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Friday, 30 April 2021 06:35

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-4-30-21: Industry 4.0 Featured

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Manufacturing is still the backbone of Northeast Ohio's economy, but to remain competitive; companies have to incorporate new technology, and hire workers who know how to use it. Our special guest this week is Dr. Ajay Mahajan from the University of Akron talking about their new research Center for Precision Manufacturing. We'll also…
From wildfires, to coastal flooding and mass migration; we're facing big ecological challenges that no one person, nation, or group of scientists can tackle alone.  On the plus side, lots of very smart and creative people all over the world are trying to do just that, including President Biden, who…
Both the automotive and energy sectors are moving toward alternative fuel sources, and that is going to mean big changes ahead when it comes to jobs, the kind of vehicles we drive, and even the way we power our homes. Our featured guests today are Luke Stedke from DriveOhio, talking…
While many parents have been worried that increased screen time and app use could be harmful to their kids; there have been no large scale scientific studies that could prove whether or not that is true. But now, there is a push in Congress to make that happen. 16th District…
Our electronic gadgets are becoming more "human" every day, and we're moving toward a future where you'll be able to talk and interact with them much like you do with real people. But is that really a good thing? To find out, we talked to product designer, educator, and author,…
This week, smart tires that "talk" to brakes, a new Cybersecurity headquarters in the Akron area, and how Russia & China are hooking up in space. You'll also hear about how to stay safe online when you file your taxes, why this could be the year electric pickup trucks finally…
Friday, 19 March 2021 10:17

This Week-Tech-3-19-21: Internet Shutdowns Featured

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An increasing number of governments around the world have been limiting citizens' access to the internet, to control political activity and block free speech. Find out if it could happen here, and if it does; what we could do about it. Our special guest is Jillian York. She is is an…
This Week, a conversation about how the government can, and maybe should, more tightly regulate internet commerce to protect consumers. We talked to Prof. Mark Schultz, who is the Goodyear Endowed Chair in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Akron School of Law, about consumer protection legislation pending before the…
Sewage happens, and they're using it at the University of Akron to track COVID-19. Also at U-A, a computer science student and tech startup entrepreneur, talks to us about using Artificial Intelligence in a new way, to make video games more immersive and engaging. We'll also hear from CNET's Brian…
The Ohio National Guard, for the first time ever, called in a civilian cybersecurity expert to help them respond to a ransomware attack on a state agency, and President Biden took action to address supply chain issues related to the global semiconductor chip shortage. We'll also hear about new technology…
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