Friday, 14 September 2018 09:19

1590 WAKR Male Student Athlete Of The Week Mason McMillen Featured

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This week our 1590 WAKR Male Student Athlete of the Week is Mason McMillen, a senior football player for Wadsworth High School.

He’s grown up around the sport, having started in second grade. Mason says he’s grown with his teammates throughout his football journey.
“I was eager to get out there and ever since (childhood) I’ve played it,” he explained.
Wadsworth Head Coach Justin Todd had some positive words for McMillen, who he appointed as a captain both his junior and senior year.
“Mason exemplifies everything a coach looks for in a student athlete,” Coach Todd explained. 

“He is a leader among his peers, being voted as a two time captain, and is looked favorably upon as a model for excellent student athlete behavior by the teaching staff and administration alike.”
Mason credits Coach Todd for helping him achieve success both on and off the field.
“I think he’s got the most out of me out of my high school career, and he’s prepared me for college coming up,” McMillen said.
His coach says it’s his work ethic that makes him stand out amongst his peers.
“He is the hardest working athlete I've had the pleasure of coaching, and Mason's achievements are a result of the hard work, discipline and fortitude he displays in each facet of life.”
Upon graduation in the spring,Mason plans on studying business economics once he gets to college.
We wish Mason the best in all of his future endeavors. 
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