Monday, 04 March 2024 13:49

New Akron Police Chief Will Be Chosen From Within Featured

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Akron Mayor Shammis Malik says the city's next police chief will be chosen from within its ranks only.

This is differeent from the nationwide search they had been planning, and also different from what they did several years ao, when they chose their last Chief, Steven Mylett, who recently resigned.

Malik says they discovered that Ohio State law mandates that any opening above entry level in public safety forces has to be filled from within, while the Akron City Charter says it has to be done "whenever practicable", which doesn't, according to their extensive legal analysis; trump State law.

Because this surprise twist in their hiring practices means they won't get to "cast a wide net" for qualified candidates as they had hoped to do; Malik says they are planning to ask Akron voters in November, to pass a charter ammendment that would specifically allow them to do external searches for both Police and Fire Chiefs going forward. 

In the meantime, to keep the Police Chief search on track; the City will select a candidate from within their own ranks, with the department's two Deputy Chiefs getting first shot at the job. But, if one of them declines to apply; then the field can be opened to also include all of the department's Captains as well.

Currently, Akron has two Deputy Police Chiefs; Acting Chief Brian Harding, and Deputy Chief Jesse Leeser. 

Malik says the city will give them two weeks to apply for the position, and until they do; he won't be reveal who has applied, and who has not.

In addition, Malik announced that Akron Fire Chief Joseph Natko is retiring soon, but staying on with the city in a newly created position; Assistant to the Mayor for Emergency Management. He will be replaced as Fire Chief on an interim basis, by Deputy Fire Chief, Steven Kaut.

For details, watch this video of the Mayor's Press conference:

Read 2332 times Last modified on Monday, 04 March 2024 14:44