Tuesday, 18 May 2021 05:39

City of Akron Lifts Mask Mandate Featured

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(City of Akron) Akron, Ohio, May 17, 2021 — Due to updated recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health, and Summit County Public Health, Mayor Dan Horrigan and Council President Margo Sommerville have asked Akron City Council to rescind Ordinance No. 214-2020 which required all persons in public places within the city to wear a face covering to limit the spread of COVID-19. If passed by Akron City Council this evening, the anticipated repeal will take effect immediately.

As accessibility to the vaccine has continued to increase, and more and more Akronites and Ohioans are receiving their vaccine, the face covering mandate is no longer necessary for every person. However, the repeal of the face covering mandate should not discourage individuals from voluntarily wearing a face covering or discourage businesses and other places of public accommodation from establishing rules that are designed to protect the health and safety of workers and customers.

“We implore all Akron residents to continue to respect the rules that our local businesses establish and to make responsible decisions based on their own vaccination status,” Ellen Lander Nischt, City of Akron Press Secretary and Senior Strategic Counsel said. “Widespread vaccination has reduced the risk of uncontrolled community spread and will provide protection to those individuals who have accessed the vaccine.  However, it is highly recommended that those who have not been vaccinated still continue to wear a face covering and practice social distancing since they are at a much higher risk for contracting and transmitting COVID-19.” 

The COVID-19 vaccine is now available, at no cost, to any person 12 years of age or older. If you still need to get a vaccine, please visit gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov to find availability near you.  You can also visit Summit County Public Health's website for a list of pop-up vaccination sites.

The City’s Lock 3 Park will continue to follow Ohio public health orders. With guidance from Governor DeWine’s office, the outdoor entertainment venue will not require masks, social distancing, or limited occupancy beginning on June 2, 2021.

Fortunately, Lock 3 Park has plenty of space and guests who wish to remain socially distant should have space to do so. While masks will not be required, they are welcome and encouraged for all who wish to wear them. Visitors are asked to self-monitor for symptoms prior to visiting Lock 3, and are asked not to attend if they experience symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19.

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