Friday, 03 April 2020 03:25

Update: Stay At Home Order Extended in Ohio

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Update: The Ohio Department of Health and the governor's office have extended the Stay at Home Order and Essential Business Order through May 1st, per Thursday, April 2nd's update from the statehouse. 

There are a few changes to the guidelines in the order. You can visit the state's coronavirus website for more informaiton. 

Governor Mike DeWine announced that Dr. Amy Acton will be signing a Stay at Home Order for the State of Ohio in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order will go into effect Monday, March 22nd at 11:59pm and stay in effect until April 6th. 

The order can be enforcted by local health departments and local law enforcement, although the Governor stressed that the goal is not to see a bunch of people arrested.

Ohioans will be allowed to leave their house for, as the Governor describes, "common sense" reasons. These include leaving for health and saftey, necessary supplies and services, outdoor activities, to take care of others, and more. For the full list, and other information regarding the order and the latest on COVID-19 coronavirus in Ohio, click here

Kent State University announced Friday that their Spring Commencement ceremonies and pre commencement celebrations will be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The University said in a statment that they are exploring alternate options and dates.

An update will be provided by the school at a later date as they gather more information on the matter.

For more updates on this situation, visit

Friday, 22 May 2020 04:10

COVID-19: Statistics and Reopening Ohio

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As of the latest update from the Ohio Department of Health and Governor Mike DeWine's office, there are 30,167 total cases of coronavirus in the state; an increase of more than 700 cases from Wednesday's report. 

The total number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 1,836; 55 more than the previous report.    

Summit County Public Health's dashboard is showing 1,165 total cases, an increase of 48 from the previous day's report, and now 144 deaths. The total number of cases in Cuyahoga County is now 3,667 and 202 fatalities, according to the ODH. 


Governor Mike DeWine has laid out the process of reopening the state, noting that testing and tracing the pandemic were the key elements to getting us to the point of being able to reopen at all. 

By the end of May, DeWine says we will be at 22,000 daily tests. 

As far as tracing coronavirus, the governor's office has created a workforce plan to gather volunteers and other workers to help in those efforts over a long period of time. That plan is laid out in three tiers that can be seen at the state's website here.  

When it comes to reopening Ohio, the governor has given three dates in May to begin this process. Starting May 1st, DeWine says all health procedures and operations that do not require an overnight stay in the hosptial can move forward, including dental services. 

Under the new order, starting May 4th, general offices and manufacturing, distribution and construction companies will be allowed to restart business if they had been closed under the original order back in March. Guidelines regarding this "responsible restart" can be found here

Beginning May 12th retail, service, and consumer businesses will be allowed to reopen in Ohio. All employees will be required to wear face masks, and all customers are encouraged to wear masks. DeWine said Monday, "We are not going to mandate that, but when a customer goes into a business they will have to have that face mask because they will be... dealing with the people that are working there." 

There are still several businesses that will remain closed into May: 


More from the Ohio Department of Health


Friday, 20 March 2020 10:08

Summa Moves to No Visitors Policy Amid Pandemic

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As a precaution to protect against the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, Summa Health has made several changes to their visitors policy. 

As of Friday morning, Summa Health has moved to a no visitors policy. Exceptions to this policy will be made for one healthy visitor per patient, per day for the following categories:

 Patient who is in serious or critical condition or under hospice care

 End-of-life (approval for requests for more than one person will be made by nurse manager)

 Patient in the Emergency Department

 Mothers in labor (significant other is permitted)

 Children who are 18 years of age or under (parents permitted)

 People undergoing surgery

 Akron Children’s NICU (limited to mom and one additional visitor per day)

 Adult patients with cognitive or mental disability requiring help with the provision of medical care or activities of daily living, speaking for the patient, keeping patient safe

 People who must exercise of power of attorney or court-appointed guardianship for a patient

 People performing official governmental functions

 Person requiring an outpatient test or procedure where a companion is required for support

Fore more information, visit the Summa Health wesbite

Friday, 20 March 2020 09:03

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/20/2020

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:17 - Congressman Tim Ryan joined the program to give the perspective on Congress, especially after the approved stimulus bill. Rep. Ryan also touched on the situation with China, from the spread of the Coronavirus to trade.

5:36 - While most people are hunkered down in their homes, both for work and pleasure, there is a definite generation gap in terms of social distancing. Older Americans are staying put until the curve flattens, while some Millennials and “Zoomers” are getting antsy, as evidenced by the morning show panel.

15:29 - Patrick Bravo heads up the Akron School Board, and he discussed the next step for the schools, teachers, and administrators.

19:34 - As we head into the weekend, with not much else to do, Scott Wynn talked about what’s available for streaming, since the movie theaters are closed.

Friday, 20 March 2020 07:38

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-3-20-20 Featured

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This week, it's all about tech issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, like why you should be using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), Twitter cracking down on false information, a new financial scam targeting online job seekers, and calls for free broadband service.

The American Red Cross is facing a severe blood shortage due to the unprecidented amount of blood drive cancelations amid the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. 

That is why the Red Cross is calling on healthy individuals to donate now, in an effort to help patients who count on those lifesaving blood donations. 

There are still a number of blood drives happening around the Greater Akron area this week: 

Red Cross Blood Donation Centers:
Warzel Blood Donation Center
3747 Euclid Ave., Cleveland
Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Parma Blood Donation Center
5585 Pearl Rd., Parma
Monday – Thursday: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Summit Blood Donation Center
501 W. Market St., Akron
Sundays, Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Tuesdays: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Wednesdays and Thursdays: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
How to donate blood
Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa device to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.
Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, from a computer or mobile device. To get started and learn more, visit and follow the instructions on the site.


Those are cannot attend one of these events are encouraged to schedule and appointment at a local donation site, including the location at 501 West Market Street in Akron. You can schedule that appointment at or on the Red Cross Blood Donor App for your smartphone. 

Thursday, 19 March 2020 09:05

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/19/2020 Part 1

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:17 - WAKR continues to get the information out there in the fight against COVID-19, which, according to President Trump, feels like wartime.

6:32 - Akron mayor Dan Horrigan called into the program to discuss how the city is fighting the Coronavirus, specifically the importance of social distancing and the medical corridor.

12:59 - From a financial perspective, how poorly is this affecting peoples’ retirements and 401K’s? Robert Dodaro of Prism Wealth Management (and Financial Focus, Sunday mornings on WAKR) explains.

19:39 - Akron Public Schools is doing their part to not just fight the virus, but to fight hunger, as well. Becky Fox is a dietitian and the director of children services at Akron Public Schools.

Thursday, 19 March 2020 09:01

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/19/2020 Part 2

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:17 - On Wednesday, the US Senate approved of a Coronavirus bill. One of those senators who voted for the relief is Sherrod Brown, and he joined the Ray Horner Morning Show on Thursday.

6:22 - We’ve heard how the city of Akron is attacking COVID-19, but what about county? Summit County executive Ilene Shapiro and assistant chief of staff Greta Johnson discussed the resources flowing through the area, especially when it comes to unemployment benefits.

14:28 - From the medical perspective, Dr. Debbie Plate from Cleveland Clinic-Akron General shared some tips.

19:26 - Is social distancing causing cabin fever? Maybe not for Baby Boomers, but Millennials like producer Tony are quite bored during this time of quarantine.

Thursday, 04 June 2020 09:11

COVID-19 Updates from Local Leaders and Experts

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Hear from the experts on how the COVID-19 coronavirus courtesy of the Ray Horner Morning Show:

Akron Public Schools Superintendent David James - Returning to school this Fall. (6-4-20) 

Val Renner - Akron Civic Theatre - The pandemic's impact on the local music scene. (5-29-20) 

Richard Peterson - Capital Financial - Market instability and volatility during the pandemic. (5-29-20) 

Jeff WIlhite - Summit County Council - Local nursing home reform group. (5-28-20) 

Dr. Cathy Faye - University of Akron Psychologist - Online misinformation groups. (5-28-20) 

Donna Skoda - Summit County Public Health Director - Contact tracing and testing for COVID-19. (5-28-20) 

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown - Helping workers affected by the pandemic. (5-28-20) 

Representative Tavia Galonski - The Workers Protection Act. (5-27-20) 

Dr. Toni Cooper - Psychologist - Stress during and after lockdowns. (5-27-20) 

Mark Gerberich - CEO International Soap Box Derby - The cancelation of this year's event due to the pandemic. (5-27-20) 

Steve McGarrity - Community Legal Aid Services - Evictions during the pandemic. (5-27-20) 

Steve Millard - The Greater Akron Chamber - Reopening Akron. (5-27-20) 

Dr. Thomas File - Summa Health - Antibodies and vaccines. - (5-27-20) 

Ty Higgins - Ohio Farm Bureau - The pandemic's impact on Ohio farmers and the industry as a whole. (5-26-20) 

Verrelle Wyatt & Nicole Gareri-David - Akron Marathon/PLX Running Club - Virtual running clubs. (5-26-20) 

Pamela Barnes - Cuyahoga Valley National Park - The importance of exercise and park attendance. (5-26-20) 

Dr. Mark Cassell - Kent State University - US vs. the World in fighting the pandemic. (5-26-20) 

Summit County Public Health Commissioner Donna Skoda - Health regulations for restaurants, the upcoming holiday weekend, and more. (5-21-20) 

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan - Working with local restaurants to help make the reopening process as smooth as possible. (5-21-20) 

Congressman Tim Ryan - Reopening Ohio and the state of manufacturing in the state. (5-20-20) 

Dr. Thomas File - Summa Health Infectious Disease - COVID-19 vaccines and hydroxychloroquine. (5-20-20) 

Dr. Brian Harte -Cleveland Clinic Akron General - New COVID-19 testing site coming to downtown Akron. (5-20-20) 

Dr. Stacy Willett - University of Akron Professor of Emergency Management and Homeland Security - Sweeping preparedness for all disasters, not just one. (5-19-20)  

Dr. Erin Makarius - University of Akron - Working from home. (5-18-20) 

Lieutenant Serji Lash - Akron Fire Department - Fire safety amid the pandemic. (5-18-20) 

Larry Williams - University of Akron Athletic Director - The announcement that the school is cutting three sports to balance the budget. (5-15-20) 

Barberton Mayor Bill Judge - The city's plan to weather the pandemic and beyond. (5-15-20) 

Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted - More on the reopening of Ohio businesses, recreation areas, and more. (5-15-20) 

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan - An update on what cuts needed to be made to the city's budget due to the pandemic. (5-14-20) 

Jerry Craig - ADM Board - Mental Health and Addiction Treatment continuing through the pandemic. (5-14-20) 

Lisa Dalpiaz - Akron Canton Airport - Safety measures being taken at the airport. (5-14-20) 

John Barker - Ohio Association of Restaurants - What to expect as Ohio restaurants reopen. (5-13-20) 

Bill Roemer - State Representative out of Summit County - A look at the current state of Ohio's economy. (5-13-20) 

Raven Gayheart - Akron Canton Regional Food Bank - There have been long lines at food banks across the state recently. (5-13-20) 

Dr. Tara Smith - Kent State University - The science of a pandemic. (5-13-20) 

Dr. Cliff Deveny - President and CEO Summa Health Systems - A word of caution as we start reopening businesses amid the pandemic. (5-13-20)  

Marco Sommerville - City of Akron - What to expect for the city and small businesses that are slowly reopening. (5-12-20) 

David James - Akron Public Schools Superintendent - Wrapping up the 2019-2020 school year and looking forward to summer, fall sessions. (5-12-20) 

Dr. Debbie Plate - Cleveland Clinic Akron General - An update on symptoms of COVID-19. (5-12-20)  

Gregg Mervis - Akron/Summit Visitors Convention Bureau - Reopening Akron and what's left as far as summer events in the area. (5-11-20) 

Dr. Toni Bisconti - University of Akron - Depression and substance abuse during the pandemic. (5-11-20) 

Dr. David Beer - Malone University - President Donald Trump's response to the pandemic and the repeal of Obamacare. (5-11-20)  

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan - Reopening Akron the smartest and safest way. (5-8-20) 

Patrick DeHaan - - Gas prices rising once again. (5-8-20) 

Dr. Joseph Lahorra - Cleveland Clinic Akron General - Heart procedures moving forward during the pandemic. (5-8-20) 

Dr. Margo Erme - The history of pandemics in the U.S. (5-7-20) 

Senator Sherrod Brown - Reopening Ohio and the government stimulus plan. (5-7-20) 

Patrick Bravo - President of the Akron School Board - The impact the state cuts will have on APS. (5-7-20) 

Dr. Kevin Kern - University of Akron History Professor - The importance of vaccine trials. (5-7-20) 

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine - More on the Responsible Restart Ohio plan that's being rolled out across the state. (5-6-20) 

Dr. R. Joel Duff - University of Akron - The bioscience of COVID-19. (5-6-20)

Dr. Thomas File - President of the Infectious Disease Society in Ohio - Remdesivir trials showing promise. (5-6-20)

Congressman Tim Ryan - How he's working getting more federal funding funneled to Ohio and the U.S. - China relationship. (5-5-20) 

Bruce Alexander - Ohio Board of Education - How the state is handling high school athletics and what to expect this Fall. (5-5-20) 

Dr. Debbie Plate - Cleveland Clinic Akron General - Setting appointments and how procedures will continue after reopening. (5-5-20)  

David James - Akron Public Schools Superintendent - An update on virtual instruction throughout the district. (5-5-20) 

Joe Mazur - The Ohio Valley Scenic Railroad - The cancelation of departures through the Summer and the plan going forward. (5-5-20) 

Dr. Lori Varlotta - President Hiram College - The struggle for small colleges. (5-4-20) 

Brian Caperones - Guidance Counselor North High School - The Challenges that counselors are dealing with in helping students preparing for college. (5-4-20) 

David Bon - Cleveland Clinic Akron General Grief Counselor - Dealing with grief and loss during the pandemic. (5-4-20)

Dr. Donald Dumford - Cleveland Clinic - Akron General - The importance of masks and social distancing. (5-1-20) 

Dr. Rob McGregor - Akron Children's Hospital - Changes being made at the hospital during the pandemic. (5-1-20) 

Ren Camacho - Akron-Canton Airport - How the airport is adapting amid the pandemic. (5-1-20) 

Dr. Toni Bisconti - University of Akron Department of Psychology - Dealing with grief and not being able to see sick family members. (5-1-20) 

Ty Higgins - Ohio Farm Bureau - Pandemic stress on the farming industry in Ohio. (5-1-20) 

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan - Some city workers will be back on the job and how the city's doing with the loss of revenue. (4-30-20) 

Don Padgett - Executive Director for the Bridgestone Senior Players Championship - Tour dates moved back and the possibility for spectators at the Akron event. (4-30-20) 

Scott Callahan - Wadsworth High School teacher - How the approach to teaching our kids has changed due to COVID-19. (4-30-20) 

Dana Addis - Superintendent for Norton City Schools - Adaptations in education amid the pandemic. (4-30-20) 


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