Wednesday, 25 September 2019 12:16

East HS Principal on Leave, Police Report Filed

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A police report was filed last Thursday alleging that East High School Principal Vyrone Finney hit a student twice in the face after the two were involved in a verbal altercation at the school.

According to the report (see below), the incident started in an English class between the sophmore student and the teacher, security was called to the room and the student was taken to Principal Finney's office. From there, Finney escorted the student, along with security, to In School Suspension. A verbal altercation ensued, and Finney allegedly assaulted the student.

The report states that Finney admitted to striking the student "with an open hand," but claims he felt that the student was "coming at him." The student's mother was called and she reportedly declined to press charges. According to the report the incident has been sent to the Prosecutor's Office. 

Akron Public Schools responded to an inquiry from our 1590 WAKR Newsroom stating that the district has launched its own investigation into the incident and that Mr. Finney had been placed on administrative leave. 


(AKRON POLICE - WARNING: Strong Language) **** ****, a sophomore at East High School, reported a physical altercation between him and the school principal, Vyrone Finney. **** told officers that the whole incident started while he was in English class. **** stated he had an issue with his English teacher and that the teacher called for security because **** would not go to a "buddy room" as instructed. School security made their way to his English class room and gave him the option to go to the buddy room or go to Principal Finney's office. **** chose to go to Mr. Finney's office and together, they called his mother to inform her of the incident. **** said that Mr. Finney then escorted him up to ISS (in school suspension). Once at the ISS room, **** claims that Mr Finney instructs the ISS teacher that **** is to spend the rest of the day in ISS. **** states that they agreed upon him spending only one period in ISS before returning to normal classes. **** said the two began to argue and that he commented on how tight Mr. Finney's suit was to which Mr. Finney laughed and said that he got it from ****'s mother. **** grew increasingly angry but stated he was able to keep his cool. **** said that he then went back down to the office to ask to call his mother back and to have her verify the agreed upon ISS punishment. **** claims that both the office workers and Mr. Finney tell him that he was not able to call his mother. **** said he then tried to go to his counselor to see if they would let him call home but they also said no. **** said that by this time, both security and Mr. Finney were in the hallway outside his counselor's office and instructed him to leave the building. **** states he got a drink and then walked down to the office with Mr. Finney following. **** said that he then took a seat in the office and that is when officers arrived. **** said that Mr. Finney told him to leave but he replied that he would not leave. **** was told by officers that he would be arrested if he did not leave and **** said that this got him thinking that he really needed to leave. **** goes on to say that Mr. Finney told him that he was now suspended for three days and he asked to see the paperwork. **** admits to calling Mr. Finney a "bitch" and that Mr. Finney then tells him he will be suspended for ten days if he makes him do paperwork. **** admits to calling Mr. Finney a "lazy ass bitch" and goes to stand up to leave the school. **** said that Mr. Finney then came at him and hit him in the face. **** says he was hit twice before officers were able to separate him and Mr. Finney. **** then said he left the school and made his way home. Officers spoke with Mr. Finney who said that **** was being disrespectful and was not listening to him or security. Mr. Finney said that **** has been a problem student with previously documented incidents. Mr. Finney stated that he felt **** was coming at him when he went to stand up so he admitted to striking **** with an open hand to the face. Mr. Finney told officers that, "I was not in the mood the be called a bitch today." Officers observed the altercation but did not observe any injuries to either party. Officers called ****'s mother, **** ****, and informed her of the incident. **** declined to press charges at this time and was advised that a report would still be made due to the nature of the incident. School security footage captured the incident and BWC captured the phone call with ****. APS administration and human resources were on scene to handle their side of the incident. Sgt. Kuznik on scene.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 11:54

Special Cold Case Unit Gets Another DOJ Grant

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The special investigative unit of the Akron Police that was formed in February of this year and designed specifically to investigate cold case sexual assaults, is getting more federal money courtesy of the US Department of Justice.

According to a press release from the City of Akron (see below), the Akron Sexual Assault Kit Initiative is getting $1.9 Million over the course of the next three years. The money will be spread out across the Akron Police Department, Summit County Prosecutor's Office, Victim Assistance Program of Summit County, and the Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit.


(CITY OF AKRON) The Akron Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (ASAKI) Team is growing!  ASAKI, a multi-disciplinary, community response team that formed in February 2019 to investigate and prosecute cold case sexual assaults, has been awarded a second grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to enhance the team and expand its impact. 

In 2018, the Akron Police Department (APD) was awarded an initial 3-year grant (2019-2021) for nearly $1 million that provided the personnel, supplies, technology, and management systems necessary to form and support the ASAKI team.  That funding created three new detective positions, a civilian administrative position, and supported new case management software as well as the partial costs of a Summit County prosecutor and a victim assistance advocate who work with the investigators on the team.

Now, the City of Akron is proud to announce that ASAKI will receive an additional $1,980,292 over three years (2020-2022) to enhance the team.  The grant will fund additional community partner personnel, adding a research and evaluation component, and expanding evidence-based, trauma-informed investigation training for all members of the APD Investigative Subdivision.

 New funding for current members of ASAKI includes:

·        Akron Police Department: $73,953 for overtime for detectives

·        Summit County Prosecutor’s Office: $645,109 for a full-time prosecutor and paralegal

·        Victim Assistance Program of Summit County: $263,835 for 1.5 full-time victim advocates (which makes 2 full-time advocates when combined with the 2018 funding) and partial funding for a supervisor

·        Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties: $535,262 for 2 full-time victim advocates and a victim therapist

“This grant will help continue the difficult work of investigating these cold cases, convicting rapists, and potentially preventing future sexual assaults,” Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh said.  “This new resource will provide my office with the tools needed to prosecute more offenders and assist my mission of keeping Summit County safe.”

This new funding also allows APD to add two new partners to the ASAKI team who will assist with the ultimate goal of cultural and institutional change in the way law enforcement, the criminal justice system, and the community responds to sexual assaults.

ASAKI is partnering with the researchers from the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education at Case Western Reserve University’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. The CWRU research team will receive $425,000 to collect and analyze information on the sexual assaults to better understand offending patterns and how to help improve our jurisdiction’s response to sexual assault.

“By working in collaboration with APD, we can help change how sexual assaults are handled in the criminal justice system and how the system and society view sexual assaults, victims, and offenders,” said Rachel Lovell, PhD, the lead researcher on the project. 

APD is also partnering with Dr. Patrick Palmieri of the Summa Health Traumatic Stress Center which will receive $20,000. ASAKI team members are trained in Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution and Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (FETI).  Dr. Palmieri will work with them to develop a customized and condensed evidence-based training on trauma-informed investigation that will be provided to APD’s entire Investigative Subdivision.

“This training not only improves the experience for survivors and witnesses experiencing trauma, but also improves investigations as a whole by yielding better information that can be used to pursue justice in these cases,” Akron Police Chief Ken Ball said.  

For more information about the work of the ASAKI team, please visit

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 08:36

Ray Horner Podcast - 9/25/2019

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:19 - House speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an inquiry on impeachment of President Donald Trump over the Ukraine whistleblower case. Dr. David Beer, professor of political science at Malone University, touched on what’s to come for the House, the Senate, Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and the Bidens.

9:58 - It’s that time of year for the Akron Marathon, and director Brian Polen stopped by the studios to preview what’s to come, from the race itself to road closures.

17:36 - When was the last time you purchased a magazine? Was it recently? Was it as recent as the last decade? Magazines seem to be going under left and right, and the newsstands at the grocery store went from an entire aisle to a smaller kiosk.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Tuesday, 24 September 2019 10:29

Norton Storage Thief Caught on Camera

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Norton Police are asking the public's help finding a suspect they say broke into several units at the Barber Road Storage in Norton. 

According to the videos, the incident occured the early morning of September 19th. 

Anyone with information is asked to call Norton Police Detective Connell at 330.706.0084 Ext. 128. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019 08:20

Ray Horner Podcast - 9/24/2019

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:19 - Tuesday is Voter Registration Day, and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose joined the program to encourage folks to sign up today. He also talked to Ray about the increased voting booth security ahead of this and next year’s elections.

6:46 - After the passing of TV broadcaster Fred McLeod, the former radio voice of the Cavs, John Michael, will swing over to the television side. That left an opening for the radio gig, which went to WEOL’s Tim Alcorn. He joined Ray to talk about how this is a dream job, how he grew up listening to Joe Tait, and a little on the new look Cavaliers.

13:12 - The states that have legalized recreational marijuana are experiencing massive population growth. With that in mind, will other states follow suit?

16:35 - Bob DiBiasio from the Tribe joined the show to answer both Ray’s and our listeners’ questions. The topics discussed were on favorite sports memorabilia and the differences between old Cleveland Stadium and Progressive Field.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Monday, 23 September 2019 12:20

City Looking to Feature Your "Hey Akron!" Park Pic

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Calling all photogs! 

The City of Akron is looking for your best pictures of city-managed parks, one of which will be featured on the cover of the city's "Hey Akron!" magazine. 

"The (Parks Photo Contest) is about celebrating our beautiful parks and encouraging residents to get out and enjoy these public spaces. It will also allow us to showcase a park, and what makes it great, through a citizen's eyes. This is a chance to have a photo featured in a publication with a robust Akron audience, so I'm hoping a lot of people take advantage of the opportunity, "Mayor Dan Horrigan said." 

The submission deadline is now Monday, October 7th. 

Contest Rules:

  • Any photo submitted must be a recent photo (within the last 12 months), taken in a City of Akron Park. A full list of City of Akron parks can be found here.
  • You may submit up to 2 photos.
  • Photos will be judged by a panel consisting of City of Akron Mayor's Office staff.
  • Contest is for Akron residents only.
  • All photos must be original work of the contestant and never been the subject of a copyright.
  • Photos including people must include written consent of subject or of subject’s guardian.
  • Winner must have a high-res version of the photo. Must be able to provide the name of the park that the photo was taken in, name of the photographer, and a home address for the winner to verify that all rules have been complied with.
  • All photos submitted shall become the property of the City of Akron upon submission and may be used in future publications including but not limited to the Hey Akron! Magazine and City of Akron’s website and social media pages. Photographer credit will be noted alongside all published photo(s).

To enter, residents can send their photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The winner will be announced via the City of Akron Mayor’s Office social media pages by the end of October. Follow here for updates, or for more ways to submit photos online: FacebookTwitterInstagram.

Monday, 23 September 2019 11:21

"Rubber City Round Up" Nets 60+ Arrests

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U.S. Marshals, along with the help of several local law enforcement agenices, were able to catch up with and arrest 63 people, all who were wanted fugitives. 

Below is the full press release from the Marshals office: 

Akron, Ohio –U.S. Marshal Pete Elliott, Akron Police Chief Kenneth Ball and Summit County Sheriff Stephen Barry announce the conclusion the Rubber City Roundup, which was conducted in Akron last week.

The Rubber City Roundup was a Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task led multiagency warrant initiative conducted in Akron from Sept. 16 – 20. In total, the task force arrested 63 wanted fugitives who were wanted for crimes of sexual assault, assault, burglary, narcotic offenses, weapons offenses and failure to register as a sex offender. The task force also seized 5 firearms: 3 rifles and 2 handguns. The fugitive task force targeted fugitives wanted in and around the Akron area for violent crimes. Task force divisions from the Canton and Cleveland areas assisted in the operation.

Akron Police Chief Kenneth Ball stated, “The goal of this warrant operation was to show a strong law enforcement presence and arrest as many violent fugitives as possible. Last week, all law enforcement agencies involved demonstrated commitment to keeping Akron a safe place by arresting over 60 fugitives.”

Summit County Sheriff Steve Barry added, “We are proud of not only these arrests by the NOVFTF, but of the efforts they put forth every day to take violent people off the streets!”

Participating Agencies for the Summer Sweep Operation: United States Marshals Service, Akron Police Department, Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Tallmadge Police Department, Norton Police Department, Bath Township Police Department, Copley Police Department, University of Akron Police Department, Hudson Police Department, Cuyahoga Falls Police Department, Ohio State Patrol, North Canton Police Department, Perry Township Police Department, New Philadelphia Police Department, Carrollton Police Department, Stark County Sheriffs, Cleveland Police Department, and the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department

Monday, 23 September 2019 08:33

Ray Horner Podcast - 9/23/2019

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:19 - The Browns had a great chance to tie or even take the lead late in the game against the Los Angeles Rams….until some suspect play calling ended the contest, 20-13, in favor of LA. Ray and Tony had a field day discussing Freddie Kitchens and his head-scratching play calls, which included a 4th & 9 draw play in the fourth quarter, and four-straight incomplete pass attempts inside the five yard line.

5:45 - It’s a Monday show, and our veterinarian Dr. Gary Riggs stopped by to answer questions on your pets. Some of those questions included organ troubles, including urinary track issues.

14:19 - The Buckeyes easily took care of Miami of Ohio over the weekend, 76-5. Why are these butt-whooping contests being scheduled? Is it all about money? That’s what the panel believes.

20:59 - Would you run with the bulls? How about swimming with sharks? Maybe head north and take on the Iditarod? Ray mentioned a few of these extreme adventures.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Friday, 20 September 2019 10:03

The Ray Horner Show Podcast 09-20-19

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On the Friday edition of The Ray Horner Show Podcast:

- Aaron Coleman sits down with this week's Students Athletes of the Week from Woodridge High School

- Golf pro Dan Dauk talks about more women getting into Golf

- Ray & the gang decide what television character they are most similar to

Friday, 20 September 2019 10:01

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-9-20-19 Featured

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This week, we've got our eye in the sky, with stories about aviation safety, job opportunities, and an upcoming NASA mission to Mars.

Plus, some far-out vacation spots just perfect for space cadets everywhere, and talking lasers!

Please note: You can subscribe to this podcast through the Apple and Andoid app stores, as well as through Stitcher and Spotify.


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